Windev mobile also allows you to integrate a preset pdf reader window into your application. Windev, webdev and windev mobile allow you to create a pdf file during a print. Windev mobile download center enduser license agreement see the online documentation download a trial version contact pc soft when will i receive my version of windev mobile 17. Android in app billing et package java windev mobile. Windev mobile download center enduser license agreement see the online documentation download a trial version contact pc soft caution. Tutorial windev mobile 20 151007002916 lva1 app6892. This windows expects the path of the pdf file as parameter. The pdf would be transformed into an image on the server and then you can get it back as a jpg or any format you want, still through a webservice. Windev webdev et windev mobile version 18 avec dump x64. Tutorial windev mobile 20 151007002916 lva1 app6892 free ebook download as pdf file. The pdf reader control pc soft online documentation. Returns the total number of pages found in a pdf file. Generating an application for android overview the generation of a windev mobile application for android groups all project elements windows, code, etc. To download this module, you must own a registered copy of windev mobile 17 english or international version.
To find out the list of available features, see the readme. Pdfreaderclose function closes and frees the pdf file displayed in a pdf reader control. Benefit provided by this new feature of version 25. Generating an application for android pc soft online. Printing in pdf format pc soft online documentation. If you import foxpro tables files in windev2 with the wizard you have to look for the boolean fields, because they will be not converted in windev. Functions for managing the pdf files pc soft online. Hfsql 24 october 16, 2019 hfsql 23 june 6, 2018 hfsql 22 october 4, 2017 hfsql 21 october 27, 2016 hfsql 20 october 15, 2015 hfsql 19 june 30, 2014 hfsql 18 july 24, 20 hfsql 17 june 29, 2012 hfsql 16 june 22, 2011 download webdev application server deployment. Afficher des contenus riches dans vos applications windev mobile duration. Pdf cours windev complet en pdf formation informatique. To download this module, you must own a registered copy of windev mobile 18 english or international version. Merges several existing and passwordprotected pdf files into a single pdf file. So, an idea might be to send the pdf via a web service. Certaines fonctionnalites avancees napparaissent pas dans lenvironnement.
Merges several existing pdf files into a single pdf file. You have to look at every field, which its fieldlenght of 1 integer and switch it to boolean, if necessary. Printing in pdf format help for windev, webdev and windev. Indeed, pdfs are not supported in an image control in windev mobile. Help for windev, webdev and windev mobile pc soft on.